2021 Manitoba Young Farmers Conference
Funding provided by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership
The 2021 Manitoba Young Farmers Conference will be held virtually on Thursday, March 4, 2021.
KAP continues to invest in Manitoba Young Farmers, providing training and networking opportunities to support their success in the agriculture industry. To achieve this goal KAP is hosting a one-day virtual conference focused on strategies for improving profitability without increasing farm size.
The conference is free for everyone, with a particular focus on farmers ages 18-40.
Presentations: This year’s topics include:
How to thrive in a high debt/low margin environment
Improving farm efficiencies
Making data driven decisions
Adding value to your agricultural ventures and farm products
Managing mental health
Highlighted Speakers:
Chris Beaudry, a farmer, and former assistant coach of the Humboldt Broncos. He will touch on his experience with the accident, grief, addiction, healing, and mental health.
Saskatchewan's YouTube sensation Quick Dick McDick will be sending a special video for Manitoba Young Farmers and attend a Q&A session at the end of the conference.
Schedule: The conference will begin at 8:00am and there is a full day of expert presentations, farm tours, and networking planned.
Socialising is encouraged: A virtual visiting and networking area will be available throughout the event.
Stay for the prizes: Event prizes will be awarded at the end of the conference.
Register in advance here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=NfAxKjPdXESbSjFvTM_z3E0uXABNluVLlfTj7qaunytUQUlUWFcwVkFENVBKUDBNNDFRVjk4NjNQNi4u
Agenda and full conference program will be available here in the coming days.